vrijdag 30 januari 2015

Nutrition tips for building your muscle mass!

If you want to build your muscle strength you should do strength training but of course this also includes good food. If you want to build your muscle power you need a lot of protein. Avoid (to much) carbohydrates and fats. Your body should also have enough time to digest the food. So don't eat before bedtime. Also, try to divide your meals in 6 servings, this will help you to get a better metabolism.

Nutrition tips for building your muscle mass:
- Eggs: these contain many proteins.
- Fish: tuna in particular is very good for building your muscle mass.
- Chicken and Turkey: contain a lot of protein and little fat.
- Milk, cheese, nuts and almonds.
- Fruit and vegetables.
- Plenty of water: you should drink about 2 liters of water per day.

What to avoid in order to get a well toned body:
- Saturated fats, for example: pork. You can eat unsaturated fats, you can find these in milk, cheese and nuts.
- White bread, sweets and soft drinks.
- Alcohol.

A meal after your workout is also very important to replenish your energy costs quickly.

And of course you can drink a glass of wine sometimes or eat some frensh fries. You have to enjoy life too!

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