woensdag 8 april 2015

REVIEW: Lush Aqua Marina

Hi y'all! Today a review about my favorite cleanser. It's Aqua Marina from Lush. I was in Amsterdam with Fabienne and I was looking for a good cleanser that suits my skin type. I really love the Lush products because it's all handmade and it's all so fresh. Fabienne bought this cleanser for my birthday and I am really happy about it.

You can use this cleanser if you have a sensitive skin. I have a mixed skin and they said you can use this product aswell. It has a clay-like texture and it will hydrate your skin. They used 3 different types of seaweed in it for the vitamins and minerals.

I bought the one with 100 grams. I always buy the small one because I think there is a lot in it and you have to keep account of the shelf-life. Put the products of Lush in the refrigerator because there are all fresh products in it.

How to use it? Like other cleansers just rinse it with lukewarm water. Because of the clay-like texture it's very easy to apply. I use this cleanser after I took off all my make-up. Your skin will feel very soft and fresh and it will smell nice too because of the roses. Love the color of this cleanser, pink! I don´t have irritated spots because this cleanser is made for the sensitive skin.

100 grams € 9,90 & 250 grams € 24,75. You can buy Aqua Marina on www.lush.com or a store nearby!

We also reviewed Mask of Magnaminty and Ocean Salt, want to know more about them? Here are the links: http://thehalfnhalf.blogspot.nl/2015/04/review-lush-ocean-salt-body-face-scrub.htmlhttp://thehalfnhalf.blogspot.nl/2015/02/review-lush-mask-of-magnaminty.html

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