woensdag 18 februari 2015

10 foods for natural hair growth!

Dreaming about long and healthy hair? But the proces is going very slow? Here are some food tips for a healthy and natural hair growth.
  • Eggs (Vitamin B12 and biotin)
  • Fish (Omega 3)
  • Green leaves vegetables (Vitamins and Folate)
  • Yogurt (Vitamin B)
  • Nuts (Selenium)
  • Carrots (Beta-Carotene)
  • Citrus fruits (Vitamin C and Antioxidant)
  • Seeds (Vitamin E)
  • Corn (Vitamin B)
Vitamin B is very important for a healthy and natural hair growth. It gives your hair strength from the inside. Also drink a lot of water, exercise to loose toxins and the most important one: stay happy and stress-free.

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